Weather report for Sep 29, 2024
Today, Clarington is expected to experience mainly cloudy skies with a high of 23°C and a humidex of 27. The UV index will be moderate at 5. Tonight, the sky will clear late this evening with a low of 12°C .
Here’s what the rest of the week looks like:
- Monday: Sunny, with a high of 24°C (humidex 27) and a UV index of 5. Expect cloudy periods in the night with a low of 13°C .
- Tuesday: Cloudy with a 30% chance of showers during the day and a high of 20°C. Showers are expected at night with a low of 8°C .
- Wednesday: A mix of sun and clouds with a 30% chance of showers and a high of 16°C. The night will see cloudy periods with a low of 8°C .
- Thursday: A mix of sun and cloud with a low of 8°C during the night .
- Friday: A mix of sun and cloud during the day with a high of 17°C. At night, there will be cloudy periods with a 30% chance of showers and a low of 6°C .
Weekend Preview:
- Saturday: Expect a mix of sun and cloud during the day with a high of 15°C. The night will see cloudy periods with a low of 6°C .
Enjoy your Sunday and plan your week accordingly!