Weather report for Sep 11, 2024
Current weather for Clarington, Ontario on September 11, 2024:
Today will be sunny with a high of 25°C. Fog patches will dissipate this morning. The UV index is expected to be 6 or high, so it's a good idea to wear sunscreen if you'll be outside for extended periods.
Tonight, expect a few clouds with a low of 14°C.
Looking ahead to the weekend:
- Thursday: Sunny skies with a high of 29°C and a humidex of 34.
- Thursday night: Clear, dropping to a low of 13°C.
- Friday: Expect more sunshine, with a high of 28°C.
- Friday night: Clear skies, with a low of 15°C.
- Saturday: Sunny again, with a high of 27°C.
- Saturday night: Cloudy periods and a low of 14°C.
- Sunday: A mix of sun and cloud, high around 23°C with cloudy periods at night, dropping to 15°C.
Make the most of the sunny days ahead!