Weather report for Oct 26, 2024
Today, Clarington will experience a mix of sun and cloud with a high of 11°C and a 30% chance of showers, primarily late in the morning and afternoon. Winds will shift to the northwest at 30 km/h, gusting to 50 km/h, with a UV index of 2, indicating lower risk. Tonight, the skies will clear, becoming partly cloudy overnight, with a northwest wind decreasing to light and a low of -1°C.
For Sunday, expect a mix of sun and cloud with increasing clouds late morning. The temperature will rise to a high of 13°C as winds become westerly at 20 km/h, gusting up to 40 km/h near noon. The UV index will be moderate at 3. Sunday night will be clear with a low of 1°C.
Looking ahead to Monday, it will be sunny with a high of 14°C and then cloudy periods overnight with a low of 9°C.
For the rest of next week, here's a brief outlook:
- Tuesday: Cloudy with a 30% chance of showers and a high of 19°C. The night brings more clouds with a low of 11°C.
- Wednesday: Expect cloudy conditions with a high reaching 20°C and cloudy periods overnight with a low of 11°C.
- Thursday: Showers are likely, with a 60% chance, and a high of 16°C, followed by a similar chance of showers at night, with a low of 7°C.
- Friday: It will be a mix of sun and cloud with a high of 11°C.
Enjoy your weekend, and consider keeping an umbrella handy just in case!