Weather report for Nov 24, 2024
Good morning, Clarington!
Today, expect a mix of flurries and rain showers, especially in the morning, with a 60% chance of precipitation. Winds will pick up from the northwest at 20 km/h near noon. Highs will reach plus 4 degrees. The UV index is low at 1, so no need for sunscreen today. As the night falls, the skies will partially clear, and temperatures will drop to minus 4, with a wind chill of minus 8.
Looking ahead to tomorrow, Monday will bring periods of rain with a high of plus 3. There is a 60% chance of precipitation, so keep an umbrella handy.
The upcoming week will see a mix of wet conditions, including chances of rain or snow on Tuesday, with a high of plus 5 and a 70% chance of precipitation. Wednesday presents a 30% chance of rain showers or flurries and a high of plus 3. By Thursday, expect a 40% chance of flurries or rain showers with highs reaching plus 2.
As we look towards the weekend, Friday features a 60% chance of flurries with a high of plus 1 and lows dropping to minus 2 by nighttime. Saturday might see some flurries with less probability (40%), and temperatures hovering around zero.
Prepare for a chilly and variable weather week, and plan accordingly for your outdoor activities.