Weather report for Nov 21, 2024
Today in Clarington, expect a mix of sun and cloud, with a 30% chance of showers in the afternoon and a high of 6°C. The UV index is low at 1, so you won’t need much sunscreen today. As the evening approaches, it will become mainly cloudy, with showers starting late. Wind speeds will shift to the north at 20 km/h after midnight, and the temperature will drop to a low of 4°C.
Looking ahead to Friday, prepare for rain throughout the day, with north winds gusting up to 40 km/h and a high of 7°C. Rain persists into Friday night with a low around 5°C.
For the weekend:
- Saturday: More rain is on the way with a high of 6°C. The probability of precipitation is 60%. Saturday night comes with a 40% chance of showers and a low of 2°C.
- Sunday: There will be a mix of sun and clouds with the temperature reaching a high of 6°C. The night brings a 40% chance of showers and a low of around 2°C.
Stay dry and drive safely as you plan your weekend activities!