Weather report for Nov 18, 2024
Morning Weather Report: Clarington, Ontario
Today, Monday, November 18, 2024:
- Expect mainly sunny skies. Fog patches will dissipate near noon. Winds from the west at 20 km/h, gusting to 40 km/h, but will become light by late afternoon. The high will reach 12°C, with a UV index of 2 (low).
- Tonight will be clear with a few clouds, and temperatures dipping to around freezing.
Week at a Glance:
- Tuesday: Mostly cloudy with a high of 8°C. East winds picking up to 20 km/h, gusting to 40 km/h. Tuesday night, there's a 40% chance of showers, with lows around 3°C.
- Wednesday: A 40% chance of showers with highs reaching 10°C, and periods of rain expected by the night.
- Thursday: Cloudy with a 70% chance of showers, highs around 5°C.
- Friday: Continued cloud cover with a 40% chance of showers, highs near 6°C.
Weekend Preview:
- Saturday: A 40% chance of rain showers or flurries. Highs around 5°C and lows near 1°C.
- Sunday: Expect more chances of rain showers or flurries with highs reaching 3°C.
Remember, as the week progresses, it's a good idea to keep an umbrella handy, especially later in the week with higher chances of rain. Stay updated with local alerts and adjustments to the forecast.