Weather report for Mar 14, 2025
Today in Clarington, expect mainly sunny skies with a high of 10°C. The wind will pick up to an eastward flow of 20 km/h by late afternoon. This morning starts chilly with a wind chill feel of -6°C, so layering up would be advised. The UV index is moderate, at 5, so consider wearing sunscreen if you're spending extended time outdoors today. Tonight, the skies will be partly cloudy with light winds from the east and a low of 4°C.
Looking ahead to the weekend:
- Saturday: Cloudiness will increase throughout the day with a 40% chance of showers in the afternoon and a potential risk of a thunderstorm. Winds will be light, changing from eastward to calm by afternoon. The high will reach 14°C, and the UV index remains moderate. By night, showers are expected, with temperatures dropping to a low of 8°C.
- Sunday: Showers are likely, with a high temperature again at 14°C. Sunday night presents a chance of showers or possibly flurries as temperatures dip to -3°C.
As we move into next week, Monday will be a mix of sun and cloud with a high of 2°C, and clear skies are expected at night with a cooler low of -5°C. Tuesday will bring sunny weather and a more comfortable high of 7°C before cloudiness takes over by the evening.