Weather report for Mar 06, 2025
Good morning, Clarington!
Here's your weather forecast for Thursday, March 6, 2025:
- Current Conditions: Light rain with a temperature of 1.8°C. Winds are coming from the southwest at 21 km/h, gusting to 39 km/h, with visibility at 16 km. Humidity is high at 99%.
- Today: We can expect flurries or rain showers throughout the day. The temperature will drop to minus 3°C by the afternoon, with a wind chill feeling like minus 10°C. Snow accumulations may reach 2 cm. Wind will shift to the northwest at 30 km/h, gusting to 60 km/h. The UV index will remain low at 1.
- Tonight: There's a 40% chance of flurries continuing. The temperature will stay steady around minus 4°C, with a wind chill near minus 11°C due to west-northwest winds gusting up to 50 km/h.
Looking Ahead to the Weekend:
- Friday: Expect more flurries with local blowing snow possible. Temperatures will rise slightly, hitting a high of plus 1°C. Be cautious on the roads as local conditions may be challenging with snow accumulation between 2 to 4 cm.
- Friday Night: Flurries may persist with a low of minus 8°C.
- Saturday: A mix of sun and cloud with a 40% chance of flurries continuing throughout the day, with a high around zero.
- Saturday Night: Clear skies are expected, with temperatures dropping to minus 7°C.
Keep your umbrellas and winter gear handy today and prepare for a potentially cooler, snowy weekend.