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Weather report for Jan 12, 2025

Today in Clarington, expect a mainly cloudy day with a 30% chance of flurries early this morning and late afternoon. Winds will be up to 15 km/h, with a high of -1°C. The wind chill will make it feel like -13°C this morning, improving to -3°C by the afternoon. The UV index is 1, which is low.

Tonight, anticipate periods of light snow beginning this evening, accumulating to about 2 cm. The temperature will remain steady near -2°C, with a wind chill near -5°C.

Looking ahead to the upcoming week:

  • Monday: Expect a high of +1°C, turning cloudy with a 40% chance of flurries after the morning's light snow ends. Winds will pick up to 30 km/h from the west in the afternoon. Wind chill will be around -10°C in the afternoon.
  • Monday Night: Cloudy periods with a 40% chance of flurries, and a low of -12°C.
  • Tuesday: A high of -5°C with a 40% chance of flurries.
  • Tuesday Night: Cloudy periods with a 40% chance of flurries and a low of -11°C.
  • Wednesday: Look for a mix of sun and cloud with a high of -4°C.
  • Thursday and Friday: Both days will be mostly cloudy with a chance of flurries especially on Thursday featuring a high of -3°C.

Next weekend, prepare for a continuation of cloudy conditions with probable flurries and temperatures fluctuating slightly around the freezing mark.

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