Weather report for Feb 19, 2025
Hello, Clarington!
Today’s Weather (Wednesday, February 19, 2025):
Expect mainly cloudy skies with a high of -8°C. Winds will pick up to 20 km/h from the northwest by late morning, making it feel as cold as -21°C in the morning and -14°C in the afternoon. The UV index is low at 2. Tonight, it will remain cloudy with a slight chance (40%) of flurries and a chilly low of -16°C. Wind chill values could reach -14°C this evening and plunge to -20°C overnight.
A mostly cloudy day with a 70% chance of light snow by noon. Winds from the northwest at 20 km/h will keep the temperatures feeling near -19°C. The high is expected to be -8°C. With a low UV index of 2, sun protection is minimal but recommended if you'll be outdoors for a while.
Looking Ahead to the Weekend:
- Friday: A mix of sun and cloud is forecasted with a slight chance of flurries (30%). It will be chilly with a high of -5°C and a low of -10°C overnight.
- Saturday: Similar weather with a 30% chance of flurries, a high of -3°C, and a slight dip to -8°C at night.
- Sunday: Cloudy with 30% chance of light flurries. Expect a high of -1°C during the day and a low of -5°C overnight.
Bundle up and take care if you are traveling or have outdoor plans—those flurries might pop up and temperatures are expected to be quite cold throughout the week. Have a great day!