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Weather report for Feb 10, 2025

Good morning, Clarington! Here's your weather update for today and a glimpse into the upcoming week.

Today (Monday, February 10, 2025)

  • Day: Expect a mainly cloudy day with a 30% chance of flurries this afternoon. Winds will pick up to 20 km/h from the west by this morning. The temperature will reach a high of -2°C. Wind chill values are -16 this morning and -8 this afternoon. The UV index is 2, which is considered low.
  • Night: Partly cloudy with a 30% chance of evening flurries. Winds will become light early in the evening with a low of -12°C. Wind chill values will feel like -10 in the evening and dropping to -17 overnight.

Weekly Forecast

  • Tuesday: Cloudy skies with a 60% chance of flurries in the afternoon. The temperature will climb to a high of -2°C with wind chills making it feel like -18 in the morning and -6 by afternoon. The UV index remains low at 2.
  • Wednesday: The day will remain cloudy with a high of -4°C.
  • Thursday: Watch for periods of snow, with temperatures peaking at -3°C.
  • Friday: Expect a mix of sun and clouds with a 30% chance of flurries. The high temperature will be around -4°C.

Weekend Preview

  • Saturday: Look forward to periods of snow with a high of -3°C.
  • Sunday: The day will be mainly cloudy with a 60% chance of flurries and temperatures reaching a high of -6°C.

As you step out today, remember to bundle up given the chill and potential flurries. Have a safe and pleasant week ahead!

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