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Weather report for Dec 25, 2024

Wednesday, December 25, 2024: Clarington, Ontario Weather

Today, expect a mostly cloudy day with a 30% chance of morning flurries. Winds will be up to 15 km/h, leaving the wind chill near -7. The high will reach -1°C. Tonight, it will remain cloudy, with the temperature dropping to a low of -4°C and a wind chill of -8.

Thursday Outlook

Similar to today, Thursday will be cloudy throughout, with a high of -1°C and a wind chill near -9. The UV index remains low at 1. The night will clear up with temperatures lowering again to -4°C.

Weekend Preview

  • Friday: A cloudy day with a high of 2°C and low of 1°C at night.
  • Saturday: There’s a 40% chance of showers, with a high of 7°C. Expect rain during the night with temperatures remaining stable around 7°C.
  • Sunday: A 40% chance of showers continues into Sunday with a slightly warmer high of 8°C. The evening will also have a chance of showers with a low of 5°C.

When stepping out, consider dressing warmly and being prepared for some precipitation over the weekend.

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