Weather report for Aug 14, 2024
Today, Clarington will enjoy mainly sunny weather with a high of 29°C and a humidex of 33. Tonight will be clear with a low of 15°C.
For the coming days:
- Thursday: Sunny with a high of 29°C, humidex reaching 32. The UV index is 7, which is high, so don't forget your sunscreen. Night will be cloudy with a low of 18°C.
- Friday: Expect cloudy conditions and a 30% chance of showers with a high of 26°C. The evening will bring a 60% chance of showers and a low of 18°C.
- Saturday: Programs to be indoors might be wise as showers are expected throughout the day.
Weekend Preview:
- Sunday: Showers continuing with a high of 25°C.
- Sunday night: Slight chance of showers, low around 17°C.
- Monday: A mix of sun and cloud with a chance of showers (40%), high of 25°C, and a low of 16°C at night.