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Ongoing Repairs for Catch Basins and Maintenance Holes Approved

The General Government Committee of Clarington approved ongoing repairs for miscellaneous catch basins and maintenance holes to be managed by Coco Paving Inc. during their meeting on November 4, 2019. The committee awarded Coco Paving Inc. a contract for a second one-year term at an annual bid of $133,032.00, which was the lowest compliant bid that met all terms and specifications of Tender CL2018-33. The decision was made following the satisfactory completion of the initial one-year term as per Resolution #C-047-19. The committee also granted the Purchasing Manager, in consultation with the Director of Operations, the authority to extend the contract for up to two additional one-year terms, contingent upon satisfactory performance and an internal work assessment by the Operations Department. The total funding for the project amounts to $139,683.00, which includes a construction cost of $133,032.00 and a contingency cost of $6,651.00. The funding will be sourced from the Municipality's accounts designated for catch basin/sewer maintenance and engineering pavement rehabilitation.