Interim By-law Amendment for 112 Duke Street
On March 9, 2020, the General Government Committee of Clarington discussed an amendment to Interim Control By-law 2018-083 concerning the property at 112 Duke Street. The amendment was proposed to exempt the property from specific sections of the by-law related to maximum height and maximum roof pitch. Specifically, the amendment included provisions to allow a new single detached dwelling at 112 Duke Street with a maximum height of 8.6 meters, in accordance with other specified sections of By-law 2018-083. Additionally, the owner of the property is required to submit a confirmatory survey to demonstrate compliance with lot coverage and setbacks as per the submitted Building Permit drawings, as well as adherence to both the Interim Control By-law and Zoning By-law 84-63. The resolution to amend the by-law was moved by Councillor Hooper and seconded by Councillor Anderson, and it was carried without further discussion after Councillor Neal, who declared a direct interest in the matter, left the meeting for the vote.