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Health Department Report Warns of Increased UVR Exposure from Climate Change

Whitby, Ontario – A new report by the Durham Region Health Department, titled 'Assessing the Impact of Solar Ultraviolet Radiation (UVR),' highlights expected increases in UVR exposure in the region due to climate change. The report indicates that rising temperatures and possible reduced cloud cover, compounded with limited sun safety practices, could lead to higher UVR exposure.

The report stresses the vulnerability of young children, people with fair skin, individuals with a history of sunburn or skin cancer, those on certain medications, and outdoor workers to UVR exposure. Dr. Robert Kyle, Medical Officer of Health for Durham Region, emphasized that early-life UVR protection is crucial to reducing melanoma risk over a person's lifetime.

The report also notes that access to shaded areas is unequal, particularly in urban areas with lower income levels. Sun safety measures, including seeking shade and using protective clothing and sunscreen, are recommended to minimize UVR risk.

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