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Financial and Contract Updates from General Government Committee Meeting

The General Government Committee meeting held on September 28, 2020, included significant financial updates and contract awards. A contract for the design and build of the Newcastle Skate Park was awarded to Transition Construction and Scatliff + Miller + Murray. Their proposal was the highest-ranked, with a bid of $290,016.00, which includes a net HST rebate. The total project cost, including a 5% contingency allowance, amounts to $305,000.00, which is funded from the approved budget allocation for the Newcastle Community Park (Account Number: 110-32-325-83436-7401). This decision was formalized in Resolution #GG-323-20, moved by Councillor Zwart and seconded by Councillor Anderson. Additionally, a financial update as of June 30, 2020, was presented and received for information under Resolution #GG-321-20, moved by Mayor Foster and seconded by Councillor Jones.