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Durham Region Transit Phone Line Temporarily Unavailable

Durham Region Transit has reported a temporary disruption to its main phone line, 1-866-247-0055, due to a technical issue. According to Durham Region Transit, this issue is beyond their control. As a result, residents are advised to use alternative contact methods for any transit-related inquiries.

Residents can reach Durham Region Transit by calling 905-666-6175 or by dialing 311 and requesting a transfer to Durham Region Transit. These alternative numbers are provided to ensure continued access to transit services during the disruption.

This phone service interruption may impact residents in Clarington and other areas within the Durham Region. Durham Region Transit is actively working to resolve the issue and restore normal phone operations as soon as possible.

No specific timeline has been provided for when the main phone line will be back in service. Residents are encouraged to use the alternative contact numbers in the meantime for any assistance they may need.

Durham Region Transit appreciates the patience of its customers during this period and is committed to resolving the issue promptly. Updates will be provided as more information becomes available.

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