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Clarington Opposes Proposed Bottom Ash Pilot Project

During the General Government Committee meeting on February 28, 2022, the Municipality of Clarington expressed strong opposition to the Region of Durham's proposal to conduct a pilot project utilizing incinerator ash and other waste materials in road construction. Councillor Zwart introduced a resolution stating that the proposed project, which involves using waste from the Durham York Energy Centre in the reconstruction of Regional Road 18, is not a proven technology. The resolution emphasized Clarington's commitment to protecting the health of the environment and its residents, citing concerns that the municipality is becoming a 'dumping ground' for the Region's waste. The motion was carried unanimously with a recorded vote of 7 to 0. Wendy Bracken, a resident, raised concerns regarding the environmental impacts of incineration emissions and ash, describing the pilot project as 'obscene' and highlighting the toxic residues associated with bottom ash. Bracken noted that other countries are moving away from using ash in construction due to these environmental concerns.

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