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Clarington Approves Acquisition of Grader and Rescue Truck

The Municipality of Clarington has approved the procurement of a new grader and a rescue truck, with significant expenditures allocated for each. The contract for the grader was awarded to Toromont Cat for a total of $549,750, which includes the bid amount of $546,746.30 and additional costs for radios, GPS units, and Clarington decal lettering totaling $3,000 (all amounts net of HST rebate). The funding for this purchase will come from the Fleet Replacement Roads budget for 2023.

Additionally, the contract for the rescue truck was awarded to Dependable Truck and Tank Limited for a total of $1,018,850. This amount includes the bid of $1,015,844.64 and similar additional costs of $3,000. The funding for the rescue truck will be sourced from the Utility Truck account and the Development Charge Reserve Fund.

These investments are intended to enhance municipal infrastructure and improve service delivery within the community.

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