Analysis of Discussions on the Municipal Wide Development Charges By-law
The General Government Committee meeting held on November 30, 2020, included discussions regarding the Municipal Wide Development Charges (D.C.) By-law. Sean-Michael Stephen from Watson & Associates presented an overview of the D.C. By-law, detailing the study process, rate structure, and development forecasts for both residential and non-residential growth. He summarized the capital program for general services from 2020 to 2029 and for highways from 2020 to 2031, explaining the anticipated growth-related capital needs and D.C. recoverable costs by services. The calculated schedule of development charges for municipal-wide services was also reviewed, alongside a comparison of current and calculated rates with surrounding municipalities.
Public input was received from various stakeholders. Melodie Zarzeczny from Durham Hospice Clarington expressed concerns that the hospice was not included in the D.C. exemption categories and requested consideration for it to be classified as a non-statutory exemption. Ryan Carr from R.W. Carr Investments sought clarification on definitions related to garden suites and two-unit residential dwellings. Ryan Guetter from Weston Consulting, representing Soper Hills and Soper Springs developer groups, requested clarification on sub watershed and secondary plan project processes, and expressed support for the credit sections of the study. Stacey Hawkins from the Durham Region Home Builders Association requested that the report be referred to the January 2021 Council meeting for further review, citing insufficient time to assess staff responses to their submissions.
The anticipated date for passing the by-law is December 14, 2020, with a proposed effective date of December 15, 2020.